Tea Time with the Chaplains

Please Note: Tea Time for the month of May will take place on the second Sunday of the month, May 12th, instead of May 5th.

Join your Prayer Chaplains on the first Sunday of the month at 12:15.

We sip tea and hold sacred space together. The chaplain of the month reads a prayer, a passage from a book, plays us a song or shows us a painting.

We go around the circle and engage in interactive prayer, using the prayer chaplains’ topic of the day. We each express how the material the chaplain shared, manifests through God in our individual lives.

Tea Time brings us closer together. We feel God's presence in our sharing. Our love & peace grow together.

All things shared are confidential. 

God is good. 

In love & light we invite you to join us for Tea Time with Your Chaplains.