Michelle Gillette

Image is a smiling woman with brown hair, wearing a blue jacket over a plaid top.
Lead Prayer Chaplain

Are you celebrating something in your life? Or, do you need a comforting prayer?

I have been a part of Unity Church since 2003 and became a Prayer Chaplain in 2008.

Prayer is now such a big part of my life. It has changed the way I look at things as I say, ‘Yes,
God!’ in my daily life.

In all things, both joyous and sad, I turn to prayer, and feel God’s Divine presence.

As a Prayer Chaplain, praying with others is a joy and an honor. Together, through prayer, we
find peace, love & light.

If you would like prayer, please leave a message on the Unity of Pasadena Prayer Line and I will
call you back. 626.577.4209.

In love & with Joy,